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Prizmatix's UHP-T-LED light source series offers a versatile and high-performance light source solution. These compact yet powerful collimated LEDs deliver exceptional power and brightness, stability, and flexible control options, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. Whether you need precise illumination for microscopy, efficient fiber coupling, or versatile multiwavelength imaging, the UHP-T-LED series has you covered. With features like high power and brightness, wide wavelength selection, fast pulsing (TTL), Analog Input or USB control, and low-noise operation, these LEDs are the perfect choice for demanding research and industrial applications.
For a customized version of the UHP-T-LED for OEM applications, please visit our UHP-T-LED for OEM page.

UHP-T-LED features:

The UHP-T-LED series offers a wide range of cutting-edge features, including modular design, extensive wavelength range, shielded LED head, versatile control options, and more, making it a powerful tool for various demanding applications. Discover the full range of features below:

UHP-T-LED Product Lines for Various Applications:

Below, we describe five product lines of UHP-T-LED, each optimized for different types of applications.
Discover how each line is tailored to meet unique requirements.

YouTube video: Unboxing Prizmatix UHP-T-LED. YouTube video: Unboxing Prizmatix UHP-T-LED.

Optical Specifications

Product P/N Total Power [mW] Normalized Value [a.u.] Bandwidth Power

Center [nm]
Width [nm]

Combine Spectrum:
Wavelength (nm)  

Key Features


Optional Accessories

All Prizmatix's LED light sources can be easily configured for use in a wide variety of applications by simply adding further components. These use a standard 1.035″ 40TPI thread (SM1 compatible) or Prizmatix's 4-pin connection system.
The following table summarizes the most popular accessories according to application, further information on individual part can be found below the table. Custom solutions are also often available at a low cost: please contact us with your specific requirements.


Prizmatix Ultra High Power LED Light Source [1]

Any type of Prizmatix Ultra High Power LEDs can be combined to form multi-wavelength system. For more information on specific types please see following links:  Mic-LEDs,  UHP-LEDs.

Beam Combiner [2]

Beam Combiner module joins two discrete Prizmatix LEDs into one output beam using a built-in dichroic mirror at specified cut-off wavelength .
The beam combiner has additional port that can be used for connection of monitoring photodiode.

FCA - Fiber Coupler Adaptor [3]

All Prizmatix LED heads can be easily changed from collimated LED source to fiber coupled LED configuration by means of Fiber Coupler Adaptor (SMA, FC or ST connector).

Fiber patch cords [4]

Various fiber optic patch cords are available. Most popular patch cords are 1000 / 1500 / 2000
micron core diameter Polymer Optical Fibers (POF) terminated by optical SMA or FC connectors.
For Optogenetics applications Dual or Triple Y shape bundles can be useful for multi-site activation.
For spectroscopy application special fiber optic bundles are very important. Care must be addressed to eliminate possible cross link between the excitation and the collection fibers. See more info here.

Rotary-Joint [5]

Prizmatix Rotary Joint is especially designed for Optogenetics experiments with High NA fibers equipped with FC connectors. Due to very low friction and smooth swivel the rotary joint is suitable for use even with small mice. See more info...

Beam Switcher [6]

The Beam Switcher accessory allows for Prizmatix LEDs installed on a microscope to be used either as microscope epi-fluorescence illumination or illuminating a specimen via a fiberoptic probe this feature especially useful for in-situ Optogenetics studies. See more info...

Filter Wheel [7]

The manual 6 positions filter wheel can be especially useful for White LED sources. The Filter Wheel can be installed at the beam output of LED or a Beam Combiner. See more info...

Microscope Adaptors [8]

Adaptors enabling connection of Prizmatix LED light sources to epi-fluorescence light port. Adaptors for Nikon, Zeiss, Olympus and Leica microscopes are available. See more info...

LLG-A Liquid Light Guide Adaptor [9]

The LED system can be quickly and easily attached to Liquid Light Guide by means of LLG-A Adaptor. For more details please see video clip

LLG-3 / LLG-5 [10]

The Liquid Light Guide is a common way to connect light source to microscope epi-fluorescence port. Prizmatix can provide 3mm or 5mm core LLGs.

LLG-C collimator XYZ [11]

The Prizmatix LLG collimator is an XYZ adjustable collimator for 3mm core Liquid Light Guide (LLG-3) with adaptor for the epi-illumination port of fluorescence microscopes. This collimator can be equipped with Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss or Leica adaptors. See more info...

C-Mount Adaptor [12]

A standard C-mount thread adaptor (1-32 UN 2A thread), usually used to connect to trinocular microscopes.

Collimator [13]

The output from optical fiber is divergent relative to fiber NA. In order to reduce the divergence angle a collimator module can be used. Prizmatix's collimator is especially designed to fit thick core high NA polymer optical fibers. See more info...

Reference Photodiode [14]

Prizmatix reference photodiode is useful in order to monitor LED source power over time in experiments required exceptional stability over long time period. See more..

Optogenetics-Fiber for in-vivo [15]

Prizmatix provides a full solution to the optogenetics in-vivo and in-vitro fiber optics. Made of silica or polymer high NA fibers, the high NA fibers are assembled to fit any research set-up with various combinations of connectors, ferrules, core diameters and lengths. This is example of a Y-shaped fiber for simultaneous in-vivo stimulation of two hemispheres. See more info...

Implantable Cannulae [16]

Prizmatix Implantable Fiberoptic Cannulae / Ferrules allow direct light stimulation of certain deep brain regions in living animals. Each Cannula consists of a Zirconia ferrule accommodating a high NA Silica optical fiber, protruding from the Zirconia ferrule at a desired length. See more info...

Optogenetics-Fiber for in-vitro [17]

Prizmatix provides a full solution to the optogenetics in-vivo and in-vitro fiber optics. Made of silica or polymer fibers, the high NA fibers are assembled to fit any research set-up with various combinations of connectors, ferrules, core diameters and lengths. This is example of a fiber with stainless steel tip with protruding bare fiber for in-vitro activation of brain slices under a microscope. See more info...

Pulser [18]

The Pulser USB to TTL interface box with user friendly software is an easy way to generate trains of pulses for Optogenetics activation directly from your computer. See more info...

USB-TTL Interface [19]

The microprocessor based device enabling simple control of Prizmatix LED sources from Windows based computer via USB.

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